To Santa … From a Carol Singer

Dear Santa, I am a Carol Singer now! I tried singing with Palash Sen and his band, Euphoria, when they had come to my college fest. Needless to mention, I was in the audience unable to identify my own voice in the sea of other voices.  I had hummed to the tunes (only audible toContinue reading “To Santa … From a Carol Singer”

My experiment with Truth – Girls are Girl’s closest friends!

I am a regular 28 year old girl, and just like everyone else, I am on toes with work on weekdays . While weekends offer to be less taxing and more rewarding, in the company of family and friends. All these years my life has been blessed with many wonderful people who have joined me as my friends and soul mates at differentContinue reading “My experiment with Truth – Girls are Girl’s closest friends!”